Policyjny blog Niebiescy997

Informacje, ciekawostki dotyczące służby w Policji


Nowy test wiedzy ogólnej do Policji

Nowy test wiedzy ogólnej do Policji



fragment tekstu Randomize questions and pull random numbers Randomize questions and pull random numbers. Detailed stats. You can see who and how has answered to your exam. Printable certificates assigned to the different grades. Export results and import/export questions from/to CSV file. Students dashboard. Registered users have a dashboard, can re-take exams etc. Questions and test categories. User groups with different access to them. Copy quizzes and their questions into a new or existing quizzes. More question types and more control on defining correctly answered questions. Shortcodes for user reports and user dashboard. More social sharing options: Google+, LinkedIn, Twitter.


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3. Select all correct answers:


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